My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I have to say that this book really found its strength in the quite moments, towards the end we really got to see the characters shine and some development take place. The mythology comes together and that was when it all finally clicked for me and i was like ok, I'm into it. The first 250 pages, man that was rough. At first i was thinking how am i not connecting to this book? why aren't i falling all over myself like everyone else seems to be. I really liked it when it was all said and done. I kept reminding myself of some less that perfect first books in epic series that you have to get through (Darkfever anyone?). I am definitely looking forward to book 2 and i hope Susan can keep those beautiful quite moments coming, because that to me made all the difference.
When i was at BEA i missed out on a copy so that buzz surrounding this book has not only been huge but its been building for months. So when i finally got it I was really excited. The book is definitely action packed from the moment you hit the ground running. I feel like i wasn't able to catch my breath because it was just going by so fast. I kept thinking whats going on? Why do they hate Isuelt? what does she look like again? i literally couldn't even remember if her appearance was described or not. Another big issue for me was that a lot of names, places, things (Cahr Awen) were so phonologically similar to Sarah Maas's epic Throne of Glass that i found it confusing and odd. They're best friends to they of course would be consumed with one another work and inspired by each other. but i don't think the names did this book any favors, this was a big no-no for me.
Bottom Line: Off to a rocky start but a strong finish makes this series a must-read for YA fantasy loves. I can't wait for book 2 to see where this is going to go.
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